In My Eyes *********** War and Peace. Sounds like a good combination, don't 'cha think? I always thought Tolstoy had a good idea, combining those two contradictions in one title. It seems to describe our relationship perfectly, Relena and I. I have to admit, the only reason I came here was curiousity. Everywhere I went, I was told about the wonderful Relena Peacecraft and how she was going to save us all from the clutches of OZ and bring everlasting peace to our worlds. Yeah, right. So, when I was told to enter her school, I thought, "Why not?" Why not see what everyone else was so bedazzled by, the goddess of peace who fell from the colonies to save mankind? I sent in my application, waited for it to be processed, all the while anticipating meeting this glorious Relena Peacecraft. On the day it was accepted, I rushed over to the school just in time to be personally met by the queen of peace herself. She was not beautiful. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying she isn't attractive, just not the Aphrodite kind of beauty you would expect of a prominent female figurehead. She has more of a masculine cut to her jaw that makes me think of her more as handsome than beautiful. I think I'm more of a beauty than she. Oh, the stories I'd heard about her were true; she had some kind of charisma that attracted people too her like bears to honey. She also had everything a princess could possibly want: a glittering castle, guards willing to die for her every whim, even a knight in gundanium armor. Just like a spoiled little perfect princess in a fairy tale. So I decided to haul her kicking and screaming back to reality. I donned the most confrontational personality I could think of: the person who absolutely loved war. Every lecture I attended I teased her, tearing at her Absolute Pacifism policy with the worst comments I could think of. I attacked her as a hyena would a sick moose, constantly putting her on the defensive, wanting the other students to see the ersatz leader they were blindly following. Wanted to see her break down and cry in front of all her followers so they could see that Miss Goody-Two Shoes was nothing special. Nothing at all. Something happened though. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even chink her armor. She would parry every sentence I said with that calm, composed manner she possessed, beating me back with her quiet iron will. Day after day this happened, until I eventually relinquished the battle. She had won my respect, but at the same time, I realized something. I loved her. No, it's not that girly, best-friendy type love you're thinking of. It's that can't live without her, wanna be near her, drag her off to bed and fuck her till morning kind of love. And I couldn't get near her because of him. That knight in gundainium armor: Heero Yuy. She talked about him all the time, eyes lighting up like a christmas tree every time she even breathed his name. It got to the point where I hated the syllables that made up his name: He eee roo yuu iii, such ugly, nasal, twangy sounds. It was during these times that I wanted to hear about him dying in battle, severing that whatever bonds she believes they have together. If she could just forget him, forget he even existed, I might have a chance of turning her heart to me. Then guess who decides to drop in out of the sky. Heero Yuy. Ugh. He was even worse looking than I imagined, wearing that dirty, blood-stained green shirt that obviously showed he was a murderer. And what does she do? Welcome him with open arms, overjoyed at the fact her knight had come back to her. Disgusting how she forgot I was even around once he showed up. What's so damned special about this Heero Yuy anyway? He destroys the colonies' only hope of reconciliation and keeps fighting OZ even though they've practically disowned him. He's nothing! To hear it from her mouth, you'd think he won the Nobel Peace Prize. I keep watching them together, as I'm doing now, jealously wishing I had the guts to tear his throat out and make my yearnings for his death come true. I want to find out who Heero Yuy is, why he's so important to her. And I've found her little dirty secret. He doesn't love her. Surprising, isn't it? The one woman everyone worships, whose charms no one, not even me, can resist, and he doesn't give a shit about her. And she hasn't got a clue, leaning closer too him, thinking he's being cold only to protect her. Ooh, this is just too delicious. I could fling it in her face. I want to do that even now, scream to the world that Relena Peacecraft is pursuing a one-sided romance, break her little heart as she is mine. Fracture her perfect world and let her try to pick up the pieces like I had to. But, I can't. I love her too much to hurt her like that. So, I sit, and wait until the world comes crashing down upon her. Because it can't last, her utopic Absolute Pacifism. Not in this world where greed and selfishness cause men to devour each other, where gold and power glitter more brightly than good will and selflessness. One of these days, she's going to fall from her place in the heavens. And her knight in gundainium armor isn't going to be there to catch her. But I will.